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RM7,200 Prenatal Package

We are pleased to announce a very Special Prenatal Package which includes our Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test, Non Invasive Prenatal Screening Test for Down’s Syndrome and many other Chromosomal Disorders.

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Our 2 in 1 test includes the following:

Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

EasyDNA offers a highly accurate, non-invasive prenatal paternity test with 0% risk – a scientific breakthrough in the field of prenatal testing. Your other, invasive prenatal paternity testing options are risky – with them you stand a chance of miscarriage or harming the baby. Our non-invasive test is the safest and most accurate test available.

Why take any risks with your prenatal paternity test? EasyDNA offers a non invasive prenatal paternity test starting at 10 weeks from conception (this means you will be in your 10th week of pregnancy, starting from the first day of your last menstrual period) with 0 risk. Confirm the paternity of your unborn baby with a 99.9% accurate test that requires only blood samples from the mother and alleged father.

Non Invasive Prenatal Screening Test – normally costs  RM2600

For Down’s Syndrome and many other Chromosomal Disorders. Do you need to know whether your unborn baby might suffer from Down’s syndrome or 18 other Chromosomal Disorders but are worried about the risks? EasyDNA offers a non-invasive prenatal test for Down’s syndrome (the NIPS test) which is the most recent breakthrough in the field of prenatal tests.

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